11:46:00 ص

Bilan in English

اضغط هنا لتحميل نموذج لحصيلة بالانجليزية

find below a quick extract hope it will help , unless let me know i can provide other model.

should you have any question do not hesitate to get back to me

all the best

1 Assets
11 Non Curent Assets
111 PPE
112 Investments
113 Intangible Assets
114 Defferres tax assets
12 Current Assets
121 Inventories
122 Accrued Income
123 Trade Receivables
124 Other Receivable
125 Prepayment
126 Other Investments
190 Cash and Cash equivalents
2 Equity and Liabilties
21 Equity attributable to shareholders
211 Share capital
212 Resreves
213 Retained earnings-prior years
214 Retained earnings-current year
22 Total Equity
221 Minority interest
23 Non Curent Liabilties
231 pension provisions
232 Borrowings- long term
233 Orher Payable-long term
234 Defferres tax liabilties
24 Curent Liabilties
241 Borrowings
242 Trade payables
243 Other trade payable
244 Tax liabilties and provisions
245 Provisions
246 Accruals and deferred income

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